Tuesday 26 April 2011

Cue - What other options do Sydney women have for workwear?

We've got a fashion crisis going on at work. All the young women shop at Cue, and we all have the same clothes. It's getting to the point where I'm considering smsing everyone in the morning to make sure we aren't wearing the same thing. In fact, if my workmates and I put our wardrobes together we could probably open a Cue store, and still have Cue clothes leftover to sell on Ebay.

That's another thing, Cue clothes are all over Ebay and they sell for good money. You can fetch $100 or so for a  suit skirt/jacket combo or a dress you don't want anymore. God knows I need to sell some of my clothes to finance my shopping habit.

I do love Cue. The clothes have some sort of style to them, they are for young women so they don't look dowdy and they fit my size 14 frame. However, the hems often come down on their clothes, some of their ideas of what is "fashionable" are just atrocious, and it has been noted that their size 6 is a vanity size 6, and that anyone who is actually a size 6 is too small to shop here.

Here are just a few of Cue's current laughable creations from their designer Dion Lee collaboration. I could totally wear these to work if they weren't so short and non-office like...

So, is there anything else out there for us Sydney-siders and our fellow Australian women to wear to work? Here is my current suggestion, but I guess I'll decide when I get the clothes in the mail.

  ASOS http://www.asos.com/
ASOS provides free international shipping on orders. They have their own label "ASOS" which has cheapish clothing (especially when they're on sale), and they also have a few more expensive designers. They are not exclusively workwear, but I just bought a bunch of blouses from here. They have a good range of sizes, and you can see how the garment moves (albeit on a perfect size 6 model) using their "catwalk" option.

Where are your favourite places to shop when you don't want to be a Cue clone?

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous pictures! Fantastic dresses,and styled beautifully,your white top cute!...workwear



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This blog is about me, the Cubicle Fashionista, giving my view about fashion trends for the office, what to wear to work, how to incorporate fashion into your office wardrobe and how to avoid fashion faux pas in the corporate world. The blog focuses mainly on corporate fashion from a female perspective, over-achieving fashion-conscious women and the people they work with.