Saturday 30 April 2011

High heels in the office - prostitute or professional?

 "I've spent $40,000 on shoes and I have no place to live. I will literally be the old woman who lived in her shoes" - Carrie
I am not a heel person, I mean I love heels, but I am just not very coordinated.  I am the girl who falls over on a night out before we've even had the first drink;  I even recently fell over at the gym when I was wearing "sensible" shoes.  Regardless, I still think heels are a must have in the office, even if I have to spend some time on the floor.

High heels in the office are a contentious issue. Personally, I think high heels are the most appropriate shoes for the corporate woman.  They are the finishing touch to any professional outfit.  One common question is how high can heels be before they transition from professional to prostitute?  I think that if you can walk comfortably in them and they don't have visible platforms, you have not yet crossed into the stripper zone.

My shoes live at the office and rarely see the streets. It's not like I'm walking to work in these shoes, they are purely inside the office shoes. I have so many shoes at work I could start a small shoe store.

I wear my havaianas to work. They keep my heels clean, and mean that if I'm running late to work I'm not teetering around in heels trying to navigate the city streets. With Winter coming, I'm going to start wearing my Hunter rainboots to work to keep my toes warm. I got them for $125 online at shopbop, and I love them. Jimmy Choo even made some of these boots (if that doesn't make you think they are fabulous, nothing will) which are shown below on one of the Olsens (no I can't tell them apart).

I cannot stand women who wear sneakers to the office. It's a quick way to look old and dowdy. I don't care how comfortable they are. Fashion comes before comfort, and this is not attractive.

I'm in desperate need of some new work shoes... OK, I just told you I had a whole shoe store worth of shoes at work, but a woman can never have enough!! I am lusting for these Louboutin Simple 70 leather pumps. They have a 3" heel. Just a shame they're about $500 and I would have to sell my first born child to afford them. I can already hear my credit card crying.

I got a kick out of this yahoo questions answer. Maybe 6" is the magical number where you begin to look like a prostitute.  As opposed to just feeling like a prostitute selling your soul to the Big Four.

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This blog is about me, the Cubicle Fashionista, giving my view about fashion trends for the office, what to wear to work, how to incorporate fashion into your office wardrobe and how to avoid fashion faux pas in the corporate world. The blog focuses mainly on corporate fashion from a female perspective, over-achieving fashion-conscious women and the people they work with.