Saturday 9 July 2011

Fashion I'm in love with right now

Shout out to Natalie Dee for this hilarious scribbling

Another month, another trend. 


Why do people wear ugly accessories?  Accessories are just like words,  if you don't have anything nice to wear, don't wear any!  I recently saw a young lady on the bus with the most repulsive matching hat and scarf.  It was like a car crash and I couldn't look away... not to mention the whole look made me question her sanity for the remainder of the bus-ride.  I actually thought "maybe she's just crazy and her fashion disaster is not really her fault".

If you're looking for something funky and home-grown try Recreational, Young Republic and Petite Grand. How cute is the jewellery from Recreational? I love this iPod Headphones necklace.

$39.00 from Recreational


Knits are in, in a big way.   Personally, I love the cold.  I have worn my Havaianas everyday this Winter and I have not suffered at all.  However, I know that not everyone is as big a fan of the frost as me.  Don't worry, your time of heat will come, and you will find me melting on the office floor.  In the meanwhile, you can be thankful that knits are sexy this season.

Try Sportsgirl (and they're on sale!) and the likes for some cute knits to warm up your work outfits.  Try this Sloppy Cable Sweater over a pink and white striped long-sleeve shirt. 

Sloppy Cable Sweater $89.95 from Sportsgirl

Other Things I am in Love with Right Now

This shirt from Eleventh Hour which is probably close to $300 but I love the style.  I think it'd look beautiful with a skirt suit in the office.

Carman's Muesli Bars now come in "Rounds" which I think is just another word for "cookies you don't feel guilty about". Yay!

This ring is a copy of a Jordan Askill Single Heart Ring which retailed at $180.00 but sold out, this means I don't feel bad buying a $30 copy off Etsy.

Generosity is so fashionable right now.  Why not give some food to someone homeless, buy the Big Issue, give thoughtful gifts to your friends, write notes to people to tell them how you feel about them and brighten their day or make a packed lunch for your significant other?

Things that have me Confuzzled

How can Shoptilyoudrop, which is basically just a big magazine full of advertisements which try to convince me to buy things, be so enticing?  What compels me to spend money to read advertising?

Also, I am heavily considering chopping my hair to my shoulders for a more professional look...  in case anyone wanted to weigh-in on the issue.

On a side note, why do hipsters dress like they are homeless?

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This blog is about me, the Cubicle Fashionista, giving my view about fashion trends for the office, what to wear to work, how to incorporate fashion into your office wardrobe and how to avoid fashion faux pas in the corporate world. The blog focuses mainly on corporate fashion from a female perspective, over-achieving fashion-conscious women and the people they work with.