Saturday 9 July 2011

Thank god I'm a woman because I hate pants

I hate pants, pants hate me.  Ever since I moved past a size 8, pants have pretty much become my enemy.  If, at some point, I can squeeze my ass/legs into said pants, they either look ridiculous on my legs or cause cascading muffin tops only a horrible baker would ever encounter.

Pants make my legs feel scared and imprisoned.  Pants make my stomach feel fat and sticky-outty.  Sadly, I've come to the realisation that working in the corporate world means multiple "contribute money to a charity and wear jeans, if you don't wear jeans everyone will assume you forgot, or you're a hateful person who doesn't want to donate" days.

Back to my hate of pants. Pants are restrictive, they are evil.  When you sit down stuff comes out the back and the front and gets pudgy. Pants only look ok when I am standing straight or lying flat, and I don't think I can manage a whole day in the office doing either.

Pants suck.

General Pants Co have opened the Denim Co Concept Store where you book in and they find you the best pair of jeans ever to grace your ass (apparently).  It's in the QVB, and I think I'm going to take the plunge and book in for an appointment (yes you need an appointment).   Does it scare me that someone's going to be waiting outside the change room while I cry about jeans?  Possibly.  Will they have jeans that fit my size 14 stomach?  Possibly.  Only time will tell.

As a side note, I wonder how much the freaking jeans are gonna cost...


  1. wow, i am also a hater of pants!! i never know if they look right, cos they NEVER feel right.
    The worst part is when you buy them, convincing yourself that you like them, then get home to realise that you may never wear them, because for some reason, they look worse in ur mirror at
    p.s. Loving ur blog!!

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one!

  3. Did you end up finding some jeans?



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This blog is about me, the Cubicle Fashionista, giving my view about fashion trends for the office, what to wear to work, how to incorporate fashion into your office wardrobe and how to avoid fashion faux pas in the corporate world. The blog focuses mainly on corporate fashion from a female perspective, over-achieving fashion-conscious women and the people they work with.