Wednesday 18 May 2011

What's so bad about Gen Y?

Gen Y (born 1982-1995) are always copping flack about how horrible we are.  Apparently, we spend money before we've earnt it, we refuse to move out of our parents homes,  and we spend all our time on facebook.  That may be true, but there's a lot to be said about what we are doing for the corporate world.

We value social intelligence
Gen Y understands that in order to be a good manager you need social intelligence.  The best managers help their employees develop personally and professionally. It doesn't matter how long you've been working here if noone likes you.  Gen Y will promote people who build relationships with others.

We create our own work/life balance
Gen Y grew up in a world of divorce.  Our parents waited for us to finish high school before they divulged to us that they had been sleeping around for the last 18 years.  As a result, Gen Y places importance on work/life balance, maintaining relationships and being socially aware.  If the workplace isn't social enough, we create our own work/life balance by doing social coffee runs, getting socially drunk after work and stalking each other on facebook.

Gen Y is driven by money
Gen Y will do anything for money.  It's almost a surprise that we didn't all turn out to be high class escorts.  Regardless, our generation values money and the pursuit of money.  We understand that we need to work harder to get more money, and we are willing to put in the effort to afford the things we want.

Stop dissing Gen Y, you're just jealous
One of the best things I've read about Gen Y is how we managed to prevent the Australian economic downturn by continuing to spend more and more of our money.  Literally spending our way out of trouble.  Gen Y are less affected by the economic factors that the Daily Telegraph keeps warning everyone about.  Most of us don't have a mortgage, so interest rates don't affect us; in fact, most of us still live at home so our parents can worry about the whole interest rates thing while we suck down our soy chai lattes.

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This blog is about me, the Cubicle Fashionista, giving my view about fashion trends for the office, what to wear to work, how to incorporate fashion into your office wardrobe and how to avoid fashion faux pas in the corporate world. The blog focuses mainly on corporate fashion from a female perspective, over-achieving fashion-conscious women and the people they work with.